DiySpace Projects
Diyspace is known for its diverse range of innovative projects in the fields of robotics and electronics. One notable project is the development of an autonomous drone. This drone is equipped with advanced sensors and computer vision algorithms that allow it to navigate and fly autonomously. It can intelligently detect obstacles and avoid them, making it suitable for applications such as aerial surveillance or package delivery. Another exciting project is the creation of a humanoid robot. This robot is designed to mimic human movements and interactions, with a focus on natural language processing and facial recognition capabilities. It serves as a platform for exploring human-robot interaction and advancing AI technologies. Additionally, Diyspace has undertaken projects involving 3D printing, creating custom-designed printers and exploring new materials and techniques. These projects showcase our dedication to pushing the boundaries of technology and fostering a hands-on learning environment for enthusiasts and professionals alike.
3D printer in making, Aluminum Frame
At Diyspace, we are proud to introduce our latest project, the Aluminum Frame 3D Printer. This innovative endeavor showcases our expertise in combining robotics and advanced manufacturing techniques.
Our team of skilled engineers and designers have meticulously crafted this 3D printer, incorporating an aluminum frame for enhanced stability and precision. The aluminum frame ensures structural integrity, minimizing vibrations and maintaining accurate print results.
With this project, we aim to provide a reliable and versatile 3D printing solution for various applications, from prototyping to small-scale production. The Aluminum Frame 3D Printer offers a spacious build volume, allowing users to create large-scale objects with exceptional detail and quality.
Robots Walk Like Humans
Achieving human-like walking capabilities in robots is a fascinating and challenging field of robotics. At Diyspace, we have undertaken a project focused on developing robots that can walk like humans, mimicking their gait and locomotion.
This project involves combining advanced mechanical design and control algorithms to create robots with bipedal locomotion. The goal is to replicate the natural movement and stability observed in human walking.
3D printer Dry Run Testing Video
At Diyspace, we take pride in our custom 3D printer projects, where we design and build 3D printers from the ground up. Our projects involve creating unique and innovative designs that push the boundaries of 3D printing technology. We focus on improving crucial aspects of 3D printing, such as print quality, reliability, and user experience.
Our custom 3D printer designs often feature advancements such as larger build volumes, allowing users to create larger and more intricate prints. We also prioritize print accuracy and precision by incorporating high-quality components and precise calibration mechanisms.
Tele-Robotic system (prototype for UR)
At Diyspace, we have been working on the development of a tele-robotic system prototype specifically designed for Universal Robots (UR). This project aims to enable remote control and operation of UR robotic arms through a telepresence setup.
The tele-robotic system utilizes a combination of hardware and software components to facilitate real-time communication and control between the operator and the UR robot. It allows the operator to remotely manipulate the robot arm’s movements, gripper actions, and other functionalities.
Iphone Controlled Car Using Bluetooth
At Diyspace, we have developed an exciting project that involves building an iPhone-controlled car using Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) technology. This project allows users to control the movement and actions of a small car using their iPhone or iOS device.
The car is equipped with a BLE module that establishes a wireless connection with the iPhone. Through a dedicated mobile application, users can send commands and control signals to the car, instructing it to move forward, backward, turn, and perform other maneuvers.
Air thrust of a small brushless motor
The air thrust generated by a small brushless motor depends on various factors, including the motor’s design, size, voltage, propeller size, and efficiency. The air thrust can be measured in units of force, such as Newtons (N) or pounds of force (lbf).
To estimate the air thrust, you can consider the motor’s specifications, including its maximum power output or thrust rating provided by the manufacturer. This rating is often given for a specific propeller size and voltage.
Additionally, the thrust generated by a brushless motor is influenced by the propeller design and pitch. Different propellers can have varying efficiencies and produce different amounts of thrust for the same motor.
It’s important to note that the air thrust can also be affected by external factors such as air density, temperature, and altitude. These variables can influence the performance of the motor and the resulting thrust.
Mini Robotic Arm Model
At Diyspace, we have developed a mini robotic arm model project that allows enthusiasts to build and interact with a small-scale robotic arm. This project provides a hands-on learning experience in robotics, mechanics, and programming.
The mini robotic arm model typically consists of several articulated joints connected by servo motors or stepper motors. These motors enable the robotic arm to move and perform various tasks. The arm is controlled by a microcontroller or a programmable board, which receives commands and coordinates the movement of the different joints.
The project often includes assembling the mechanical components of the robotic arm, such as the base, joints, and end effector (gripper or tool). It may also involve wiring the motors and sensors, as well as programming the microcontroller to control the arm’s movements.
Prosthetic arm bases on Arduino and MATLAB
Developing a prosthetic arm based on Arduino and MATLAB involves leveraging the capabilities of both platforms to create a functional and customizable limb. Arduino serves as the hardware backbone, providing control and interfacing with various components such as motors and sensors. By programming Arduino, the prosthetic arm can respond to user inputs and perform specific actions. On the other hand, MATLAB is used for control algorithms and signal processing. MATLAB allows for the development of sophisticated control algorithms that interpret user inputs, such as EMG signals, and translate them into corresponding movements of the prosthetic arm.
ArduPilot Controller for Drone Quadcopter
At Diyspace, we have developed a project focused on using an ArduPilot controller for a drone quadcopter. ArduPilot is an open-source autopilot system that provides advanced flight control capabilities for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs).
In this project, we utilize an ArduPilot controller board, such as the popular Pixhawk, along with various sensors and peripherals to create a fully functional drone quadcopter. The ArduPilot software, combined with the controller board, allows for autonomous flight, precise navigation, and advanced flight modes.
By integrating the ArduPilot controller, users can program flight missions, set waypoints, and implement flight automation features. The controller utilizes GPS data, barometric pressure sensors, accelerometers, and gyroscopes to precisely control the quadcopter’s flight dynamics.
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Welcome to DIY Space, your ultimate destination for Robotics, Basic Electronics, Self Learning, and STEM Education. Our institute offers a wide range of programs and resources tailored to empower individuals in these exciting fields.
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